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New: Tag Snapshots
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Understanding trends in historical data can offer helpful insights as you look to evaluate what's working and what isn't. Your ChurchSuite account is packed with data, offering invaluable insights that might even inform future decision-making. Some of the most powerful insights come from changes in certain Tags over time. Is the Leaders tag showing growth over time, or has it plateaued or gotten smaller? Are there more people serving in ministries or members of small groups this year compared to last year? What's our 'stay' health - is the Member tag trend keeping up with the Newcomer tag trends? Of course, church health can be measured in lots of ways and some things will be more important than others and at different times.

To make it easier to visualise these types of Tag trends - and many more besides - we're excited to take the wraps off two neat little features we hope you'll find helpful. Drum roll for Tag Snapshots! Watch this video for a quick introduction to the functionality:

Visualise Snapshots on a Tag view

Click in to any tag and you'll find a new "Snapshots" tab.

A Tag Snapshot in ChurchSuite helps show how your church membership has changed month by month

Tags change over time (this is especially true of Smart Tags) and so having a good understanding of what a tag used to look like can help give a more complete picture of your church's journey and trajectory. The new snapshots tab surfaces that information, giving you an immediate overview of the tag's development over time by plotting monthly "snapshots" on a graph.

The best part is: there's no action or set-up needed on your part, ChurchSuite takes a monthly snapshot for you automatically! You're able to see a list of those individual monthly snapshots, including the month by month change, when you scroll down the page:

Tag Snapshots in ChurchSuite can help you see data points such as changes to church membership on a month by month basis

See your most important Tag Snapshots on your Dashboard

Dashboard widgets are a brilliant way of staying up to date on important information at a glance. The new Tag Snapshots widget takes your historical Tag data and turns it into powerful, easy-to-digest insights; starting with an Overview of changes over time and trend direction.

Tag Snapshot Dashboard widgets give you an overview of trends and changes to church membership in your church

The Snapshots tab lists the month-on-month changes relative to the total number of tagged people, while the People tab compares the changes from the first snapshot and the last snapshot and shows who has been added and who has been removed from the tag.

In ChurchSuite you can see any changes to your tags at a glance by using a Tag Snapshots Dashboard widget

You can add Snapshot widgets for as many of your Address Book tags as you like, optimising your Dashboard to your specific work flow.

The potential insights from Tag Snapshots are limited only by your imagination! What tags might you have already in your modules that are just waiting to show you something valuable? What new tags are you inspired to add so you can begin to collect snapshots moving forward? We know this new Tag functionality will help - we really would love to hear about the things you've learned from your tags!

Start your free trial today!
Don’t just take our word for it. Try it for yourself! We’d love you to take up this 30 day free trial so you can see how ChurchSuite will benefit you.