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Ongoing Updates: 9th November - 19th December 2023
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We're constantly updating and enhancing ChurchSuite, often building directly upon customer feedback to guide our development. The following lists some changes that were made to ChurchSuite between 9th November 2023 and 19th December 2023.


November 9th, 2023 Foster Parent relationship option for parents/carers

We've added support for Foster Parent as a relationship option for a child's parents/carers.

Visit support article

December 8th, 2023 Calendar and Event List Configurations

Much like we have with Small Groups and Bookings we've now updated Calendar to make use of reusable embed configurations. You can now create multiple embedded event lists and calendars for your website and control them from within your ChurchSuite account. Update your website today and take advantage of our new configurations.

Visit support article

December 8th, 2023 Multi-site events

The Calendar module now supports multiple site events - ideal for events that apply to some sites but not all sites.

Visit support article

December 14th, 2023 Easy access to QR codes

We've made it easier to share event pages, small group pages, fund pages and forms using QR Codes which are now accessible from the respective event, group, fund and form View in ChurchSuite

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