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Online scheduling and event, service and worship planning application.
Online scheduling and event, service and worship planning application.
Great for worship teams
Schedule the team, plan the songs, store chord sheets, link to external resources on Spotify or video links, and more.
Service planning
Plan your services and make sure everyone knows what's going on, when it's happening, who's responsible, and the information they need.
Plan events and conferences
Whether you're planning a special event like a wedding, a course, or a conference: with the Planning module organising your event is simple and effective!
File storage built in
Store documents, song sheets, or other supporting resources directly in ChurchSuite and attach them to the relevant items in your plan. Easy!
Plan collaboratively
Comes with an easy to use "drag-and-drop" interface for re-ordering plan items, and the ability to assign people to various plan items and then share the plan with others.
Store song sheets
The ability to store a variety of items in the Planning module, such as songs, makes service planning easy and gives worship teams access to the song sheets they need!
CCLI tracking
We've built CCLI tracking in to the Planning module, so that your service planning can all be managed centrally. We're firm believers in the notion that having the right system in place can often massively reduce the workload!
Links into Rosters and Calendar
We've linked the Planning module through to different parts of ChurchSuite. For example, if a change in the Rosters module is made that affects a plan, then that change automatically syncs through to the Planning module.
Branded plan pages
Linking plan pages to an event category with a custom branding set up will make the plan page sport the brand's logo and colour styling. Similarly, all branded emails for the plan will sport the brand too.
Report library item usage
Find out how much you use certain library items, such as a particular song or video.
Order of service
Use the Planning module to plan the order of your service as well as the length of each item. This ensures that everyone involved is on the same page and knows what to expect.
Communicate with team
Communicate with everyone linked to a certain service plan, either by email or SMS.
Multi-site enabled
Are you a multi-site church? Every area of ChurchSuite is built around supporting and enabling multi-site churches, helping you to manage complex church structures.
Start your free trial today!
Don’t just take our word for it. Try it for yourself! We’d love you to take up this 30 day free trial so you can see how ChurchSuite will benefit you.