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Case Study:
How ChurchSuite supports
Church member
Maureen Vince, City Church Gloucester, says I am so glad I took out that months free trial, certainly wouldn't use anything else now.

Address Book for church members

Access important info when you need it

"Why can't I find that important email the church sent out yesterday?" If you've ever asked yourself this or a similar question, you'll love being able to check all of your church's communication to you in the ChurchSuite app on your phone!

You can even amend your own address or phone number in the app, to make sure your church office's info is up to date.

Podcast and important links built in

Among the fantastic features built into the ChurchSuite Address Book module is the ability to include your church's podcast feed and other important links directly into the app.

Fantastic for church members who engage with the church and its mission.

Benefit from being part of a well-run church

The ChurchSuite Address Book helps church administrators and church leaders to communicate efficiently and well, building community and advancing the church's mission.

Rather than being a member who misses important information or who drowns in emails not really meant for them, benefit from the fact that ChurchSuite makes it easy for churches to communicate well!

Start your free trial today!
Don’t just take our word for it. Try it for yourself! We’d love you to take up this 30 day free trial so you can see how ChurchSuite will benefit you.