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Enhancing tags with categories & pins
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Tags are incredibly powerful and are essential for effectively managing a growing database of people. Over time, it's easy for the list of tags to increase and become what we affectionately call "tagtastic". To help make them even more useful and organise them better, we've introduced a couple of new enhancements. Here's Gavin with a short video to introduce what's new:

Tag categories

When adding or editing tags, you can now assign them a category. This keeps your Tags list more manageable. You can also filter the tags shown on a person's profile to see just their tags in selected categories, and colour-coded categories make things even neater:

Tags shown on a person's profile, ordered by category and colour coded

Tag categories come into their own when you're looking for just the right tag to filter an advanced search or report:

The ChurchSuite Demographics report gives you an overview over the makeup of your church and can be filtered by tags

Pinned tags

You can also now "pin" your most important tags and choose an appropriate icon and colour:

Edit tag field in ChurchSuite with icons and pinned tag option

Pinned tags show at-a-glance on people's profiles - incredibly useful for making the urgent or important stand out. You might choose to pin a tag for "not in a group", "is a leader" or "has completed safeguarding training", giving you an immediate insight when you visit a person's profile.

Pinned tags are displayed next to a church member's name in ChurchSuite church management system

The creative uses are endless, but they're especially well suited for smart tags, where a pinned tag shows or hides based on a person's data and your tag conditions.

We've already had great feedback from some early adopters, with Dave commenting:
"Very straightforward to implement and will make a real positive difference for the way that I personally use tags." - exactly what we were aiming for!

We're excited about how these latest enhancements will make tag management easier for you, too! Head over to our Support pages for more detailed information on all things Tags!

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